Company from the USA, hooray.

Tom and Shirley and their daughter Calla came to visit us in Bergen! It was great to see them. We hadn't seen them in who knows how long. Ten years? There's an advantage to living in a beautiful place. Ed and Tom have known each other forEVER. They arrived Monday evening and left Wednesday morning, but we'll get more time together when we join them this coming weekend in Copenhagen.

This is in the teensy boat that crosses the harbor from our place to the old Bryggen. Notice that they even brought some sun with them.

Excellent news! I passed my driver's test. I not only passed, but I aced it. The tester had not one bad thing to say, and even said it was a comfortable ride and that I was a very good driver. The secret to my success? An automatic transmission. The test, license, and rental of the test car cost over 3000 kroner (about $500), so I hope it's worth it. Maybe the company will reimburse me. They can't say yes if I don't ask them...
