Okay, I just have to share some pictures from the arboretum. It was so nice to see swallows and butterflies and bees! The arboretum here has several parts - the Japanese-Norwegian Friendship Garden, the Mountain Garden, the Botanical Garden, the open meadowland and the fjord with swimming areas. Yes, we went swimming again, having "broken the ice", so to speak, last week.

The beach - no sand, but nice grass to lie on, and fine gravel to walk on.

No, we have not had the nerve to dive in - yet!

At the rose garden...

We ate our picnic lunch here...

The mountain garden was really well done, with waterfalls and stairs winding around.

Looking down from the "mountain" to the Japanese garden.

Japanese-Norwegian Friendship garden. The white rocks are supposed to represent the sea, and the "islands" represent Japan and Norway. We didn't recognize either country,though. :)

The botanical garden was lush, lush, lush.

Here's a honey bee stocking up!
You're looking good!