End of October catchup

Sorry I've been gone so long. I had computer problems :( . But I have to show you fall, and a "flashmob".

Here's fall in and around Bergen. Ed took some great pictures, didn't he?

This last one is showing Rosenkrantz Tower. Behind here was where the flashmob started. An e-mail came out inviting everyone to meet there and learn a dance. They came out in droves, and Ed recorded the action!
Then they all walked down to the Fishmarket together, to surprise onlookers.

The point of a flashmob is to gather a bunch of people using electronic means, appear in some public place, and do something all at once. Have you seen the one where over 200 people froze for 5 minutes in Grand Central Station in New York?


  1. So glad you're back! My favorite gathering was on Youtube long ago....dance in Antwerpen Train Station...cool! Love to hear from your blog! Shirley, Tom & Calla


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