
We just got back from the oncologist's, and we are all smiles! The aggressive treatment that Ed got has been as successful as it could have been. The tumor around the esophagus is too small to measure, and the ones in the lymph nodes are much smaller. The TH-5 vertebra tumor is very small, there is no more pressure on the spinal cord, and the bone is even growing back in the vertebra. The tumor in the left hip didn't shrink, but it is stabilized. The best news of all is that there are no new tumors - no metastases! The liver and lungs are clear.

Thank you all for all the crossed fingers and toes. The positive energy you sent really helped us both.

Now we can breathe again. He will work on reducing his steroids and pain pills. Every 2 months, we will hold our breaths again as he gets a new CT scan looking for new outbreaks. In the meantime, it's time to do exercises to get his strength back up. He isn't thrilled about that, but the hospital has an exercise program. They will design something for him. But I found a more fun way! We are going to take ballroom dancing on Tuesday nights. It is a class for "veterans", a euphemism for "old people". We even have our ballroom dancing shoes from the Boeing Big Band Dance Club with us here. Can't wait!

The future looks longer now. :) The home team is ahead in this game.


  1. Best news I have heard all week!!! So happy for you guys!


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