Pi Day and the adventure of getting to Brazil

Europeans and South Americans look at Deanna and me quizzically when we say it's Pi Day. It may be only in the US that we put the month before the date and year - 3.14.15!

The Lima security check point was a DISASTER! The line kept growing. People started clapping in unison. A uniformed young woman told Deanna and me to go "over there". A woman already in the next line started yelling at us. An IT guy showed up. A man tried to run across the security barrier. An official told us the system was down. Revised process: 1. Get a police stamp. 2. Get a manual stamp. An American voice was raised, "I don't care!" When Deanna and I got through, we headed for a cafe. Glad we had 3 hours!

We got to our resort in Foz do Iguacu around 7 pm, jumped into our swim suits, and into the giant salt water pool. Floated up to the bar for a strawberry daiquiri and a piña colada.
Recanto Cataratas Resort

Our room was huge, with a heart-shaped jacuzzi tub. Luxury!
The Sunday morning buffet was full of families. Last hurrah before school starts? It's fall there. Brazil was being hit by massive protest marches while we were there. Everybody talked about Petrobras, the state-owned oil company, hiding money. Everybody talked about the expense of the World Cup and the Olympics. Inflation is up.

Today, Deanna and I did not go to the Argentinan side of the Iguasso Falls, because a visa would cost $160 each. And that doesn't count the cost of the tour. We opted for the wildlife refuge, Refugio Biologico Bela Visa, which crosses into Paraguay. We stayed on the Brazil side. The refuge heals injured animals and birds, and provides a large cross-border area for wild animals. I'm going to use Deanna's telephoto lens pictures again. And, I'm going to add in the Parque Aves, Bird and Butterfly Park, pictures from Monday.

Capybara, the world's largest rodent, were along the water's edge. They didn't let us take good pics, but they are really big, especially for rodents!
Overhead monkey - maybe a capuchin?


Brown capuchin



Parque Aves (Bird Park), and Golden Parakeets

Butterfly enclosure

Grey -crowned crane

Good friends

So  many birds have had their wings clipped so they can't fly, and can be sold. Illegally.
We went to the planetarium on Sunday evening. Then we went back to our lovely pool, floated on our backs, and identified constellations and planets.
