Ed and I really enjoyed the old, old-time Natural History Museum. It was like a museum of museums. Rows upon rows of glass cases with exhibits with explanations on cards. Whale skeletons hanging from the ceiling! It closed for remodeling about 2011, and stayed closed, and stayed closed, and... until a year or two ago.
Since this is the summer for Norwegians to see Norway, I went to the remodeled museum this morning. It would have had lots of things for kids to touch, but instead, we all put disinfectant on our hands and didn't touch anything. I got a 10 am Sunday morning ticket, to avoid crowds. Saturday afternoon was completely sold out! This morning, only a handful of families were waiting: Open, Open, Open!
Since this is the summer for Norwegians to see Norway, I went to the remodeled museum this morning. It would have had lots of things for kids to touch, but instead, we all put disinfectant on our hands and didn't touch anything. I got a 10 am Sunday morning ticket, to avoid crowds. Saturday afternoon was completely sold out! This morning, only a handful of families were waiting: Open, Open, Open!
I headed upstairs immediately because... WHALES!
The docent says it took two years of hanging from the ceilings to clean these skeletons with toothbrushes. They are too delicate to move.
The rest of the museum had great exhibits on evolution, on the hidden world under the sea (dark quiet area with a complete wall screen), on geology, on time, and some great exhibits of the whole planet. Most had projected videos, for instance, showing the air currents, ocean currents and temperatures around the Earth. There was a cool moving screen on the floor showing the plates moving, with Bergen and Bømlo moving apart, not to mention New York moving away.
What would a Natural History Museum be without a dinosaur???
I recommend the Bergen Natural History Museum for the next time you come this way. See you there!
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