Whipping through the US on vacation

We just got back home after 2 weeks in the US. The trip went like clockwork. We got to see everyone and do everything that was on our list, even though it was a LONG list! I took a few pictures of things you don't find in Norway.

How about all that glitz and attention-getting neon at Times Square? You can't hear all the noise in this video. Vehicles honking. Conversations at full tilt. Sirens. Sensory overload!

Buckwheat pancakes, eggs over easy with hash browns and bacon for breakfast at the Square Diner in NYC, whee! KFC original fried chicken with biscuits, cole slaw and mashed potatoes, at a picnic in Phoenix, yum.

Cherry Blossom parade princesses on a company sponsored float doing the princess wave.

Traffic on Meridian, South Hill Puyallup, in the middle of the day. With no car wreck to blame for it, either!

We followed a heat wave across the country from San Francisco to Phoenix to New York. 102 F in Phoenix in APRIL? Now we're back in Bergen and it's drizzling. But spring sprung while we were gone. The tulips are blooming, the trees are budding, it's daylight till after 9 pm, and it's good to be home.

We brought back a year's supply of vitamin D, bags of decaf coffee, plus a can of pumpkin pie filling and two cans of evaporated milk for making pie. And, we bought shoes that are wide enough for our feet, plus we picked up all the stuff Ed won on e-Bay since he's been here. His sister has been very kindly accepting the packages and holding them. Therefore, we had three 50-pound suitcases plus a briefcase to check for the flight back. We had only 1/2 hour to make our connection in Copenhagen, but we made it. Our luggage didn't. That's a good thing. It meant we didn't have to schlep all those bags plus our carryons home over the sidewalks from the bus stop. The airline delivered them to our doorstep!

Overall, it was a great trip. We loved seeing all our relatives and friends again.


  1. What a great trip! Wish we could have met you in NYC. Glad you are happy to be "home" in Norway. We are finally rested after our trip and we want more! It was such a blast to see you all and see Copenhagen with you too. Our favorite place, of course, was Bergen! We're still looking for a time share trade in France or somewhere fairly warm for next Spring Break - March 20th again. Hope it is on your calendar. Hope you enjoy your Spring and Summer! Thank you again for making our trip such a memorable and pleasurable short vacation. Love from all the Pearces.


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