Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where the flowers is

We are PAST our 91 days of snow on the ground, it has started raining, the reservoirs are full again, the tourist busses are coming back, AND I saw some tender sprouting bulbs at Nykirken. The days are longer than the nights. Ed found out there were flowers in the botanical gardens up at the university and took a hike to check it out. Yes, they are there! AND Ed's chili plant has produced its first pepper. It has been a long, hard haul, but oh, the feeling of success.

Farmer Ed's first pepper!

Last weekend we actually got IN to the silver exhibit at the applied arts museum. Very cool. The goldsmiths guild had some fine artists over the centuries. Ed's favorite piece was the filigree jewelry box, all built up from fine wires.
closeup view of jewelry box

 My favorite was the art nouveau vase.

Another favorite exhibit was the chairs room.

Lip-smacking good couch

 This couch was actually comfortable. I am counting on you all to insert punny comments!


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