Labour Day - May Day - whatever

Today is the 1st of May, and the sun is out! This is a huge holiday here, Labour Day. Not only are all the stores closed, but there's no newspaper or mail. It's a day for hoisting the flag and laying wreaths at war memorials, for political speeches and for outdoor concerts. I just came back from a very breezy walk and have some pictures for you.
These flags are in front of the city council meeting place.

A small crowd listened.

There was a much bigger crowd watching the Rolf and Roll Dance School kids do their hip-hop routines in Festplassen.

This last week, some trees have started putting out baby green leaves, but the tulips are still struggling with the concept of blooming.

Ed's been visiting friends and family in the US. He gets back next week. He'll be surprised at the differences here. The fountains are all back on, the Russ are walking around in their red and white pants, and it stays light till about 10 at night.
