Ed's celebration/memorial (May 7)

Here is the posting I wrote but never finished after our celebration and memorial of Ed's life.

The urn with Ed's ashes has a pattern like our wedding rings
Our son and daughter came as soon as we could get them here, and brought healthy laughter with them. Bob Ziegler, Ed's friend from high school, is manager of a new funeral home, and Ed wanted us to use his services. Bob and his funeral director, Holly, were very helpful. Holly and Deanna worked together on the www.MeM.com slideshow and tribute page that is part of the funeral arrangements.

It was a good way to grieve, putting together the slideshow. With contributions from everyone, we ended up with over 150 pictures. The music that goes with the slideshow was not our playlist. Neal, Deanna, and I made a playlist of jazz music that Ed liked, mostly with no vocals so that it could be played while people talked together. The music and slideshow played throughout Surprise Funeral Care the whole afternoon of Saturday, May 7th. The slideshow played behind the speakers, all Ed's close friends, who offered reminiscences about Ed from his many different aspects. Ken Jones was MC and childhood friend. Ed Murphy also spoke as childhood friend and read an e-mail from Marty Banks, who knew Ed in graduate school. Dan Bailey gave a wonderful lesson in copper coin-collecting terminology and ended with a description of Ed using those words. Terry Harvey talked about not just baseball, but their personal connection even though they disagreed on just about everything. Leon Khalsa-Maulen discussed Pierce College and their close friendship as Psychology faculty. Bob Ziegler finished with a benediction, and an invitation to stay for snacks and more talking. Neal, Deanna, and I ordered Mexican food, Ed's favorite, to be catered. The kitchen at Surprise Funeral Care was filled with people and conversation.

Thanks to everyone who made the day special. I am glad so many of you could come.
