Really, I have never smoked!

Lung cancer. That's why I have not been on here as much lately. I have the official diagnosis now, and oddly enough, I am relieved. Yay, a diagnosis! Yay, it's a cancer that has been studied like crazy!

It is not a death sentence these days. My little scientific problem-solver brain is fascinated by the process of using genes to target the cancer cells, instead of just old-fashioned chemo 'poison all the cells in your body'. Cool! Once the pathologists figure out what exact type of lung cancer I have, I hope that they can brew up a specific cocktail that will bind the receptors on the cancer cells. Immunotherapy means that my immune system then attacks those cancer cells. I don't have to lose my hair. I had my hair cut short before I knew that maybe I won't lose it after all. I like the new style, actually, so that's a good thing.

Haukeland University Hospital, here in Bergen, is the best place in Norway for cancer treatment. Also, sometime in the last decade, Norway implemented a program to fast-track diagnosis of diseases that are on a certain list. Cancer is one of those diseases. A diagnosis has to be made in 2 to 3 weeks. The Lung Department is set up to make that happen, with one person who watches to make sure that no tests fall in the cracks, and who is available for patients to call with questions.

My first biopsy was a fail - no good cells were gathered from the snake down my throat method. I could not stop coughing and thrashing around, sorry to say. That slowed down the diagnosis process. We had to do a second biopsy, this time from the hip bone. Yes, my lung cancer has spread to my left hip from my left lung. Insert swear words here. The second biopsy was successful. They got cells that they could culture. They said that the first analysis would answer whether of not it was lung cancer. What? Don't we know that already from the PET and CT scans? I guess we had to rule out bone cancer that metastasized to my lung. I would breathe easier if I could only breathe easier! Stupid coughs. 

After getting the diagnosis, I got online and ordered red boxing gloves to hang outside my door. They will keep the cancer out. They arrive next week. I hear tell that somebody in the US also came up with this idea. They have pink boxing gloves for breast cancer. It was my idea, but okay, I will graciously share it.

As Haukeland moves forward, I will keep you updated. We'll probably have the cell markers identified in the next week or week and a half. Then the treatment plan can be figured out. 

I accept love, prayers, and positive wishes. I have the most wonderful friends and family supporting me during this extremely anxious time. I did not realize how many networks I have formed in my 15 years here, from Americans to work colleagues to folks from my volunteering. Thank you all! My adult 'kids' will be able to come help once we get the plan. I hope to get to visit the US for Halloween this year. Fingers crossed.


  1. Lots and lots of love ❤️ Pilla.

  2. You're going to beat this! And of course you have lots of support... after all... look at all the support you have given out. JML


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