Turkish Mosaic Lamp

Being artistic is a great way to spend a stormy afternoon! Jennie and I signed up to make lamps at the Mosaic Art Studio.

My mosaic, after three hours

Jennie made a beautiful pattern that looked like braids. She is the real artist, and I am so glad that she invites me to these creative events. 

The studio is right on the water. Wind and rain outside, relaxing beauty inside. We were surrounded by lamps that we could use for inspiration. Each of us got a laminated pattern sheet to try out color combinations from the hand-cut colored glass pieces, before actually gluing them on lamp globes. While we glued, we had Turkish music, tea, fresh-baked breads,Turkish Delights candies, and conversations with other students. Our teacher was helpful and pleasant. Everything was well-prepared for the workshop. After three hours, we had each covered a globe with our patterns. The Art studio folks will finish our unique creations with a coating to keep the pieces from falling off. We get the final product in a week or so. Shall I edit this post to show the final product? Let me know.


  1. Beautiful. Very talented

  2. I'd love to see the final product

  3. I would love to see it. Looks like the stormy weather does not stop you from enjoying the day :-) K. 🦋

  4. It turned out beautiful... (and you are too kind). JML


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